From the Head of Senior School
Over the past two weeks, it has been a pleasure to welcome back the Year 11 and 12 students. They have settled into the new routine of the Senior School in a calm and responsible manner. Next week we are looking forward to welcoming back the remaining Senior School students for the last two weeks of Term 2.
On Friday 29 May, the students of Years 8, 9 and 10 attended a lecture where the returning protocols were explained. The Year 7s then had this lecture during their Wellbeing on Tuesday 2 June. During those lectures, the protocols put in place for hygiene and social distancing were explained. The students were also made aware of the reason why these protocols have been put into place and that is so we have a safe transition back to on-campus learning.
We understand that some students have mixed feelings about returning to on-campus learning. Some will feel anxious while others will not. With that in mind, we have asked that all students just slow their approach as they move about the campus and be mindful of how they engage with their peers and the adults they encounter. While social distancing is recommended for students, it is a requirement for adults and so we have put social distancing strategies in for the classrooms and the locker areas.
Examples of social distancing strategies are shown in the photos below. Also, hand hygiene facilities are available as students enter classrooms and all students are asked to use this periodically throughout the lesson.
Ms Cathy Marchmont
Head of Senior School/VCE Coordinator