From the Head of Junior School

It is difficult to believe that we are already halfway through Term 3. Despite the fact that we are learning from home, our students are still working diligently to complete their set tasks. The feedback that I have received is that our students are particularly enjoying their Google Meets, both whole class and small group. I have been very impressed with the creative Specialist tasks that students have completed and that have been highlighted in our newsletter recently. Thank you to our Specialist teachers who are supporting our classroom teachers by running small group Google Meets while also preparing activities for our students in their areas of expertise.

We recently concluded our online Parent Teacher Interviews and I believe they were most successful. It is always important for teachers and families to create strong partnerships to support each child’s wellbeing and learning but even more so during these difficult times. Thank you to all our parents and our teachers for participating in these important discussions.

Until we are back at school and together again, please continue to look after yourselves and your families.

Mrs Melissa Roberton

Head of Junior School

Message from the Junior School Captains

Click here to listen to a message from the Junior School Captains, Shae Culpin and Noah Aziret.

Years 3 to 6 Specialist Matrix Tasks

The specialist teachers wait in anticipation daily as students from Years 3 to 6 share their wonderful work.

Students’ creativity and independence comes through in every task shared with us.

The following images/videos are a snapshot of the great work students are producing.


Have a look at the wonderful artists at CGS in this online art gallery


Meg van Brakel, Year 4 has been working hard on her coding skills. Click here is a project she has entered into the Bunjil Place competition. Well done Meg!

Mrs Bronwyn Kyne

Head of Leaver House

Junior School Production Update

Our online musical has been an exciting experience for our Year 5/6 students to be a part of. The 'Show Must Go Online' production is a super fun way for us to practice performing at home. Doing a musical online has meant that we didn't have to miss out on one of the main highlights of our school year. Everyone involved in the show has the opportunity to do some acting, singing, and a bit of dancing too! Sometimes with acting you can be a person you're not and that's something I really like about this show! I can’t wait till we finish rehearsing our final videos and submitting them ready for editing, so we can then present ‘The Show Must Go Online’ to everyone. Thank you Mrs Kyne.

Please find a link to my performance of our production theme song - 'The Show Must Go Online' - I hope you like it!!!  

Aaliyah Thomas, Year 6

Performing Arts Captain

Annie's Words of Wisdom

Annie Hancox, a Year 2 Trist House student, has been spending her time in lockdown doing something incredibly compassionate.

Annie has been making bracelets to sell, in order to raise money for the Mums Supporting Families in Need. Originally, she was saving for a new chicken, but her business just took off!

Last year, Annie attended the Mums Supporting Families in Need warehouse to help clean and sort toys and pack ‘care packs’ for families in the local area. Since then, she has been inspired to make a difference to the lives of those who may be struggling to provide essentials for their family.

Since creating her business, Annie’s Words of Wisdom, it is booming! Her mum, Kate, sells the bracelets on behalf of Annie on Instagram and you can check them out at @annies_words_of_wisdom. Each bracelet has a cute little saying on it. When she has made a bracelet, Annie posts it online, so keep your eyes out! You can buy them for $3 each and postage is $2.

So far, she has raised over $500 and even sold bracelets to her favourite artist and some famous people, including Alex the Astronaut, Jack River and Xavier from Big Brother.

Annie hopes the money can be used to buy toys and games for children to play with while at home. Annie is determined to keep making as many bracelets as she can. We are extremely proud of her initiative and compassion, spreading positivity and kindness across the community. Annie is truly amazing and we wish her all the success with her fundraiser.

If you would like to support Annie and purchase a bracelet, you can visit the Instagram page @annies_words_of_wisdom or contact Mrs Kate Hancox

Miss Bridgette Reale

Head of Trist House