Careers and Pathways Week

This week our Year 10 students are participating in Careers and Pathways Week. The purpose of this week is for students to conduct research into future career pathways by visiting tertiary providers, and to develop their enterprise skills in preparation for 2025 and beyond. The program similarly compliments the work that Year 10s are currently undertaking in the Career Discovery Program and will support informed subject selection.

On Wednesday and Thursday, students will have the opportunity to gain ‘first-hand’ experience of university life (at Monash University and Deakin University, respectively). Throughout the remainder of the week, several guest speakers have been engaged to discuss important career education topics including the ‘future of work’ and ‘career resilience.’ 

Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a VR learning experience, where they will participate in simulations of different jobs as a way of better understanding the day-to-day functions of career pathways of interest.

It is a terrific week, and we are excited to offer our Year 10s the opportunity to develop their understanding of the options available to them on completion of their studies at Casey Grammar School.

STEM Futures: Celebrating Women and Diversity

On Friday 7 March, six Casey Grammar School students attended the STEM Futures: Celebrating Women and Diversity conference at Casey Tech. This event celebrated women and diversity in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The STEM Futures conference was designed to be an interactive and informative event that brought together students, educators and professionals from various STEM disciplines. Dr Mary Cole (Director and Principal Scientist with Agpath Pty Ltd) was the keynote speaker and delivered an engaging presentation that focused on the groundbreaking research she has done within the agriculture space for over 40 years. 

She discussed the challenges she has experienced as a female within a largely male dominated industry and was quite inspirational to the budding scientists within the room.

Careers Corner Weekly

Please visit the link below to access a comprehensive overview of careers related news and information.

March 2025

Happy reading.

Sarah Blythman

Head of Careers and Student Pathways