Battle of the Bands

We are very excited to be hosting our first ever Casey Grammar School Battle of the Bands to be held at lunchtime in the PAC on 28 March. Students are eligible to perform a program of up to 10 minutes to a panel of judges with the winning band being selected to represent Casey Grammar in the Harwyn Battle of the Bands. Student entries are still open so please contact Mr Collidge or Mr Evans if you are keen to be involved.

ACMI Drama/Media Excursion

Mr Peake and Mr Collidge took the Year 9 Media and Year 10 Drama classes on excursion to ACMI on 3 March. The students participated in a filming workshop and were tasked with filming a mockumentary in a day. The early parts of the session focused on some technical aspects that soon moved into storyboarding and planning the filming and performance or a provided script. 

With props, cameras and documentation in hand, students moved into Fed Square to set about filming their masterpieces. After a short break for lunch we returned to the editing suite and groups were able to edit down their footage into final cuts. The culmination of the workshop was a screening of the best edits of each group’s film. We look forward to receiving the final edits from ACMI to be able to share at a later date.

SIS Big Night

Casey Grammar will once again be performing in the SIS Big Night. Our students will be going on excursion on 11 March (and again on 26 March and 1 April) to rehearse the combined performance items and will spend an enjoyable day working with students and teachers from across the Southern Independent Schools group. Tickets for the concert are now open and can be accessed at: Family, friends and the larger school community are all welcome to attend to support our students. The Casey Grammar School Senior Vocal Ensemble will also be performing in the concert.

Special thanks also to Hannah Love of Year 10 VCD class for her design of the SIS Big Night poster. We appreciate the time she spent putting this together in support of the event.

Stuart Collidge

Head of Performing Arts