Enrolment Information
Casey Grammar School currently has waiting lists from Foundation through to Year 10.
Siblings are given priority enrolment consideration if a vacancy arises, however, we cannot guarantee a place if the year level is at capacity.
Important information to keep in mind is:
- Enrolment Offers for Foundation (Prep) 2026 have been emailed to families
- Enrolments are finalised for Year 7 in 2026
- Siblings will be interviewed for Year 7 2027 places in Term 3 2025
Future Sibling Enrolments
The school is heavily waitlisted across most year levels, hence we encourage early submission of enrolment applications to be considered for enrolment. Please contact me if you have younger children you are interested in enrolling but for whom you have not completed the relevant forms. Siblings are given priority enrolment consideration, however, we cannot guarantee a place if the year level is at capacity.
Withdrawal of Students
Parents are advised that as a condition of enrolment, they must give a minimum of one term’s notice in writing if they decide to remove their child/ren (an exit form needs to be completed, verbal communication is not accepted). This is standard practice in most independent schools. If this notice is not provided, one term’s fees in lieu of notice will be charged. Please note that school holidays are not included as part of the notice period.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Kimberley Anderson
Enrolment Officer