Maple Syrup, Jam or Lemon and Sugar?

It is always fun to walk around the Junior School on Shrove Tuesday hearing the students saying to each other, ‘It’s pancake day today!’ All around the 21 classrooms from Foundation to Year 6 the smell of pancakes was wafting through. Some classes even made them from scratch, giving students the opportunity to practice reading a recipe. Of course, Shrove Tuesday represents the day before the start of the season of Lent — a time of fasting, that coincidentally is crossing over a period of fasting for our Muslim students; the month of Ramadan.
For many Christians the 40 days in the lead up to Easter (excluding Sundays) serves as a chance for reflection. Our School Captain, Tania shared a bit about Lent at our Senior School assembly this week.
At this time of year, many Christians around the world begin a significant period called Lent — a time of prayer, sacrifice and renewal. Lasting 40 days, Lent represents the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert, and for many, this time is an opportunity to reflect and grow. The start of Lent is marked by Ash Wednesday, a day when Christians receive ashes on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. These ashes, made from the palms of last year’s Palm Sunday, remind us of repentance and the importance of living with purpose and kindness.
However, at the very core of the Lenten season is self-reflection. Self-reflection isn’t always easy. It requires honesty and the willingness to recognise where we can improve. For some, this might mean letting go of negativity, like impatience or self-doubt. For others, it might be about making a commitment to being kinder and generous. Although Lent is a Christian tradition, the idea of self-reflection is universal. Whether or not you observe Lent, we can all take this season as a chance to slow down, think about our actions, and work towards becoming more thoughtful and compassionate individuals.
Tania S, School Captain
Our school celebrates Easter through services for all students. This year we are also planning a community communion service that families are invited to attend with their children. This will take place after school on 31 March, 3:30pm–4:00pm. Please look out for the letter regarding this event if you would like to attend.
Harmony Week is Next Week

Another exciting annual event in our school calendar is Harmony Week which we are busy preparing for. Please ensure you read the information in the letter that has been sent home and place any special lunch orders by the due date. All orders are through Flexi Schools.
Years 3–4 lunch orders must be placed by 14 March
Years 5–6 lunch orders must be placed by 16 March
Senior School lunch orders must be placed by 17 March
A reminder also for F–2 families that you are very welcome to join us for the Parade on Friday, 21 March at 9:00am on the oval (or the PAC if the weather is not appropriate). Please read the letter that has been sent home regarding this event for further details.
Every blessing to you and your family in the coming week.
Monique Riviere-Pendle