A time for goodbyes, a time for joyful celebrations, and our thanks to the PFC for their much appreciated efforts throughout the year.
The past two weeks have been extremely busy with lots of important end of year events. Senior School special events included a very successful Year 12 Leadership retreat, VCE Information Night, Year 7 Orientation Day, Christmas Chapel and Early Commencement of 2024 classes.
The Junior School Christmas Chapel presented by Year 5 students was an absolute joy. Hearing the Foundation to Year 2 students sing ‘Away in a Manger’ was a highlight. Year 6 students, staff and parents enjoyed a fabulous Graduation Evening together and I extend my thanks for the wonderful team in Year 6 who organised the graduation ceremony. Thank you Mr Byrne-Nelson, Ms Sakeson and Ms Sutherland.
One of the highlights of the Junior School year is the Junior School teacher’s assembly. This year the students enjoyed watching Casey Grammar’s Barbie Dance Party. It was a lot of fun!
The school is grateful for the services provided by the Parents and Friends Committee (PFC). This year they have provided sausage sizzle lunches, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day morning teas, second-hand uniform and second-hand book sales just to name a few of the services.
In order to continue providing these services, the PFC needs more assistance. Any parents or friends who can help would be very warmly welcomed onto the committee. Please contact the school if you could spare a few hours per month to assist.
This week we have bid a sad farewell to staff who are moving on next year. We wish them all the best in their career moves and/or retirement. Farewell to Mrs Casey Standish, Mr Keir Selfridge, Ms Kylie Rose, Ms Carolyne Bennett, Mr Peter Crapper, Mr Craig Townsend and Ms Maddison Kaldi.
Uniform Shop
The school holidays provide a great opportunity to restock uniform items which your child has grown out of or worn out. Attached is the revised and updated Casey Grammar School Uniform list.
Items which need close attention include:
- Dresses which are too short. Please note that dresses should be the same length as shorts — on the knee. Many students have grown taller and their dresses have become too short. Please let hems down or buy new dresses if your child’s dresses are shorter than school shorts.
- Incorrect socks. Please stock up on school socks. The short blue socks with red and white stripes should be worn with navy trousers, shorts and the winter tunic in Senior School. In Junior School, long blue socks are worn with the winter tunic. Short white socks are worn with the summer dress. White sports socks with blue and red stripes are the official sport sock and should not be worn with the summer dress.
- Please note that the school shorts or trousers may be worn all year round. They should be worn with blue school socks with red and white stripes.
As part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations, we have introduced a new tie. You may choose to purchase a new tie next time you are in the uniform shop. Please note that there is a transition period over 2024 for the school tie so you do not need to buy one immediately. We expect all students to have the new tie by the start of 2025.

The address of the uniform shop is:
29 Hamersley Drive Clyde North VIC 3978
Mon to Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Sat 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Ph: 03 9792 3187
PFC Second-hand Uniform Shop
The PFC will be opening the Second-hand Uniform Shop again next year. The dates and times for second-hand uniform sales will be sent to you in the new year.
As our school year comes to a close, I extend my grateful thanks to all Casey Grammar School community members for the continued support of the school and particularly our students. I look forward to seeing our students continue to grow in 2024.
Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and a relaxing summer holiday.
Fiona Williams