Farewelling the Graduating Class of 2024

In a touching farewell to the 96 students of the Graduating Class of 2024, staff, students, families and friends came together to celebrate their achievements and wish them well as they embark on the next chapter of their lives beyond Casey Grammar.

After the morning’s Valedictory Assembly, the entire school community lined the grounds for a Guard of Honour. Our graduates made their way through the familiar paths they have walked for so many years — some for as long as thirteen — reflecting on their time here.

That evening, we gathered at The Ivory in Elsternwick for a beautiful Valedictory Dinner. It was a night filled with shared memories, gratitude and the joy of being together to honour this remarkable cohort one last time. No matter where life takes them, these students should take pride in how far they have come, and they leave Casey Grammar knowing they will be fondly remembered.

The future is yours to shape.

A special mention to the following students who were recognised for their achievements:

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – Tina M
The ADF Future Innovators Award – Ryan Z
The Duffy & Simon Law Award – Katerina M
The Principal’s Art Acquisition Award – Sarah I
The Ampol Best All Rounder Award – Nicholas R

VCE Exams

With VCAA exams just around the corner, it is clear that a tremendous amount of effort has already been dedicated to learning, revising and preparing. During the break, Units 3/4 VCE students came to school to sit their trial exams, eager to sharpen their skills and receive valuable feedback — an essential step in refining their knowledge and exam techniques.

The VCE English exam on 29 October may be the first official exam for most, but our music, drama and language students can already breathe a sigh of relief, having completed their oral and performance exams.

All the best to those sitting exams in the coming weeks.


The start of a new term is a timely moment to remind families of the importance of students being at school on time. In the Senior School, period 1 starts at 8:40am, and by this time, students should have been to their lockers, collected their materials for periods 1 and 2, and be lined up at the classroom, ready to begin the morning lessons.

Ideally, Senior School students should be at school by 8:30am.

Lateness to class can be disruptive to students and the teacher. In the case of students arriving after 9:00am (due to an appointment, for example), students must sign in at the kiosk at reception. Medical certificates should be handed in to the office at this time.

Summer Uniform – Hats

With temperatures hitting the high 20s on several occasions, we are reminded of the need to be SunSmart at school. Please ensure that students have a broad brim hat for recess, lunchtime and outdoor sport sessions this term. Students without a hat will be expected to stay under cover near the senior classrooms.

Book in a Day

On 15 October, a group of budding authors and illustrators from Years 7 and 8 gathered to hear the results of the SIS Book in a Day competition, hoping to be recognised for their novella Sweet & Salty that was written in August.

Congratulations! Casey Grammar placed second out of sixteen schools and also came away with Best Front Cover. What a fabulous achievement.

Book In a Day challenges a group of students to write a 4,000 to 6,000 word book in a single day. They must work together to plan and execute, illustrate and present the final book. It is a mammoth task with students’ writing, editing and revising skills being put to the test.

What an incredible display of teamwork from the following students:

Ayaana A
Darrell B
Ameek B
Taylor F
Harleen K
Sienna P
Gurveen S
Isabella S

Soccer Star

Congratulations to Year 8 student, Hayley C who was recently selected to play in the U16 Victorian Girls Soccer Squad in the CFFA National tournament which took place from 4 to 7 October. This event was held at the State Football Centre, home of the Matildas.

Hayley has already made her mark in this sport as a skilled member of our SIS soccer teams, captaining the Junior Girls and as the recipient of the Best and Fairest Award.

Keep up the great work, Hayley!

Kate Morgan

Head of Senior School

SIS Art Exhibition

The 2025 SIS Art/Design/Technology is happening again at the Cube Gallery in Frankston. Casey Grammar students from Years 7 to 12 will be exhibiting their creative work amongst 16 other Independent schools. Please see the brochure for gallery opening days and times.

John Palomares

Head of Visual Arts