Upcoming Events

31 October Senior Ensemble Concert

12 November Year 10 Production

21 November Junior Ensemble Concert

Congratulations to our students who have already completed their VCE Music solo exams and VCE Drama solo exams.

Wishing our VCE Music class all the best for their upcoming exam.

Stuart Collidge
Head of Performing Arts

Year 12 Drama

Year 12 Drama students showcased their devised solo performances to an audience on Wednesday 9 October. These solos are the basis of the Year 12 Drama solo performance exam, which are sat externally in front of a panel of VCE assessors. Students have to script and develop a seven-minute solo performance based on a selection of character options as set by VCAA.

Characters include the Unsuitable Knight, the Detective, Norma Desmond, the Puppet, Mulga Bill and the Drama Teacher.

Ben Peake
Head of Year 7

What A Knight!

Congratulations to all the students in Years 3–6 who were involved in our Junior School Production of What A Knight! Your talent and hard work performing on stage made for an outstanding show. You should all feel extremely proud. Thank you to everyone who supported the show; CGS staff, families and the community.

Thank you from the production team: Bronwyn Kyne, Antoinette Seal and Simon Hall.

Bronwyn Kyne

Junior School Performing Arts