Celebrating the RAP Launch
In our first week back in Term 4 we had the joy of gathering together as a community to launch our Reconciliation Action Plan. We were so blessed with the glorious weather as staff, students and families gathered around after school to enjoy the afternoon together, as well as the significance of this event for our broader school community.
It was special to have Uncle Shane and Josh from the Bunurong Land Council return to Casey Grammar to provide a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. Additionally, we were delighted to have Ganga Giri play the didgeridoo for us during both the formalities and afterwards as we were doing various activities. It was an incredible performance, and one that everyone enjoyed.
We were so proud to have many students as year level representatives passing along the printed version of the RAP as a symbol of the impact we hope it will have across the whole school community. Together we have created a document that will help guide and inform us as a school in how we move forward as a community in this important area.
We concluded our time together with afternoon tea and activities. Students and families gathered around planting Billy button plants as a way of caring for country through encouraging native planting, collaborative art work and signing our vision statement.
We have already started with some of the steps outlined in the RAP and look forward to continuing to bring the document to life. Anyone who wishes to join the committee is welcome to join by contacting m.riviere-pendle@caseygrammar.vic.edu.au for more information. Hard copies of the document are available at reception or on the website for anyone who would like one.
A huge thanks to all staff and families who stayed back to participate and share in this afternoon together, as well as to many people who helped make it possible – including our wonderful RAP Committee.
The Gift of Sharing Time and Space
Each term begins for staff with a chapel service when we gather together to welcome new staff, pray for each other and to reflect on a theme. This term’s service was inspired by the book The Anxious Generation. I would highly recommend taking the time to read it.
In the book, after outlining the impact of technology on mental health, Haidt spends a chapter exploring different spiritual practices that can assist us amidst the impact of the world we inhabit. One of these was ‘embodiment’ and this was our theme. It is a reminder of the gift of being together and what it means to share time and space with one another. This is the benediction we shared.
May we show respect and kindness to the bodies that allow us to move through the world
Our strength, our imperfections, our abilities, our disabilities
May our physical presence with those in need – sitting, listening, being, caring
Be a source of comfort and strength
May we remember the great gift of Jesus
God, in a human form, a human body
Who models for us what it is to live in the realness of the world
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
In the name of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit
Every blessing in this final term.
Monique Riviere-Pendle