Book Week

Our Book Week celebrations and activities grew again this year and it is exciting to see the whole school — Junior School, Senior School and staff — all join in the activities and fun. A highlight of the week was the Foundation H assembly where the children shared with us the many joys of reading. Book Week dress up day saw most of the school dressed up in their favourite book characters and the Foundation – 2 costume parade was another highlight. Congratulations to the creative parents who helped their child dress as a dictionary! Thank you to the library staff, Mrs Thompson, Ms Birch and Ms Mueller for the activities they organised and hosted during Book Week.

SIS Athletics

Our Senior School athletes recently competed in the SIS athletics carnival and I was thrilled to see them return from the buses with the trophy! I am so proud of the student’s efforts. They displayed great team work, persistence and athleticism. Congratulations to each student for displaying excellence and to Head of SIS Sport, Mr Murdock for encouraging greatness from each student.

SIS Debating

Our Debating teams did exceedingly well in the recent SIS debates. Our Intermediates won both their debates, and our juniors won most of theirs. We also had best speakers in both divisions. Our Intermediates did not make it to the semi-finals, but both our juniors did.

The semi-finals take place on 6 September. We wish our teams and their wonderful coaches, Ms Weiler and Anushka A (Year 11), all the best in the finals.

SS House Debating

It has been a pleasure to watch our House debates over the last two weeks. Our students are really growing and excelling as debaters. The final of the inaugural House Debating Competition is being held next week.

Father’s Day Stall and Morning Tea

Lots of excited Junior School students attended the Father’s Day stall to enthusiastically select the perfect gift for their father. I am grateful to the volunteers in the PFC for sourcing and supplying the gifts in the stall, setting up the stalls and selling the gifts throughout the day. In addition, these wonderful volunteers also came back the next day to run the Father’s Day morning tea. 

With over 150 fathers and special friends in attendance, this was a huge event. I thank the PFC for their enthusiasm in supporting the school, for their hospitality and for their incredible baking skills. Thank you for all you do!

SS Performing Arts Festival

The annual House Performing Arts Festival has found a special place in the hearts of our senior students. This year’s competition was a joyful celebration of movie songs. Each house presented a unique and highly entertaining performance. While there were winners announced on the day, I think the real winners were the audience who were given polished and highly entertaining performances. 

Congratulations to all who bravely took to the stage. You were amazing! Congratulations to Mr Peake who has organised this competition from its inception and seen it grow in popularity over the years. It is a great event in the annual SS calendar.

NAPLAN Certificate of Excellence

It was a proud moment for me at last week’s SS assembly when we presented the NAPLAN Certificates of Excellence to Year 9 students. These students achieved the highest level ‘exceeding standard’ in reading and/or numeracy. We had six students receive a certificate for numeracy, 20 students for reading and nine students received a certificate for BOTH reading and numeracy. One third of our Year 9 cohort was presented with a NAPLAN excellence certificate. Congratulations!


We are extremely lucky to enjoy live musical performances on a regular basis at Casey Grammar. Last week at SS assembly we enjoyed Fintan R’s (Year 12) performance of Dean Martin’s song ‘Everybody Loves Somebody.’ This was followed by the VCE Music ensemble who played ‘My Silver Lining.’ These contrasting pieces showcased the exceptional talents of our Year 12 music students.

Many staff, students, parents and special friends also enjoyed the Instrumental Music Soiree held on 27 August. The evening featured all students learning a musical instrument in the school. We enjoyed listening to a wide variety of instruments including drums, piano, saxophone, flute, clarinet, violin and singing. It was a very special evening and I congratulate all students who performed.

Casey Grammar Annual Report 2023

The Annual Report for 2023 is available on the school website. It is interesting to look back at the report to see how much has changed in just 12 months. I encourage you to have a look at it.

Fiona Williams


Co-curricular, not Extracurricular

When I was at school, deep in the last millennium, there was a limited range of activities in which to be involved and even the opportunities that were offered were labelled extracurricular. The more recent change in terminology to co-curricular is not merely semantics; it reflects a change in attitude and understanding. We now have a better understanding about the rich and varied benefits of a truly holistic education for young people.

One benefit, perhaps the most obvious one, is the opportunity to develop new skills, gain new knowledge or discover a life-long passion. This is something that has particular resonance for me, because my introduction to music came in exactly this way over forty years ago and led to a lasting love of musical performance. Alongside this skill and knowledge acquisition comes the equally valuable chance to meet other students with similar interests. 

Adolescence is a crucial time in our lives with respect to identity formation and finding a ‘tribe’ of other students who have at least one similar interest can help young people find their place and identity, giving them greater confidence and feelings of self-efficacy. Finally, co-curricular opportunities often involve times of emotional or physical challenge. These challenges can result in genuine growth in a way that is not possible without the challenge or struggle. 

A useful analogy is that of the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis. As it turns out, butterflies release a chemical when they are getting out of their chrysalis; a chemical that strengthens their wings. Their movements inside the chrysalis pump fluid into their wings, which helps the wings expand. Without the challenge, they cannot fly.

Robert Jacob

Deputy Principal