Upcoming Events
Year 1 Class Chapel services (families are welcome)
Our Year 1 students are busy preparing for their class Chapel services where they will be singing, dancing and sharing learning from their unit on the Old Testament and the family of God. Please be on the lookout for an email with all the details that will be sent to parents of Year 1 students. Parents, grandparents and siblings are all welcome to join us at these services.
RAP Launch

We would like to invite any interested members of our community to the launch of our Reconciliation Action Plan which will take place on 10 October from 3:30 pm. A traditional custodian from the Bunurong Land Council will provide a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony for us to mark the occasion. We will be inviting at least one representative from each class to attend so if you are interested in this, please email me at m.riviere-pendle@caseygrammar.vic.edu.au to express your interest.

Making it Real
Last week we had Sarah Miller from World Vision speak to students in Senior School at a lunchtime session where they were able to learn more about the impact they can make. We celebrated the achievements of last year’s students and the impact of the 40 Famine in 2023 including providing 578,428 tons of food in a month to people in Syria and Lebanon, assisting 800 farmers in Ghana to reforest their land whilst improving their productivity as well as helping over 7,000 Ghanaian farmers in their food production so they can grow new crops such as cashews and mangoes. These are real people in real places who have been assisted by people across Australia (including CGS) coming together. This year, we are set to do it all again.

Over the coming weeks we have around 20 Senior School students who are participating in challenges ranging from not talking for 40 hours, or riding 40 km, to giving up Youtube, gaming and watching sport for 40 hours.
If you would like to support them, you can do so here:
Sincere thanks for any support provided to our students in their campaign to reduce hunger for children globally around the world.
The People They Become
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been participating in interviews with our 2026 Year 7 students. One of the questions we ask the families is why they wish to come to CGS. Repeatedly parents comment on what they see of students they know who have concluded Year 12 and the people they leave as. Another common theme is that the values the school seeks to instill are a key part of this.
In that context, it was wonderful to be at the one-year reunion last week and to see quite a number of the 2023 students coming together to catch up. Only the week before I saw one of our 2023 students at her job and it was wonderful to catch up with her studies and plans. It is really encouraging to see the adults that our students become as they move around in the world beyond CGS.
Every blessing in the week ahead.
Monique Riviere-Pendle