Local Support Services

It’s not often I come across external support services which don’t involve a fee.

With the growing costs associated with living and supporting a family, the bank account can get quite a big hit. And then there is our emotional wellbeing which often draws the short straw when it comes to spending money. The irony is if we compromise our own emotional wellbeing or our family members wellbeing there often comes a consequence with our health and happiness, sick days, maintaining employment, days off school, delays in education, and so on.

Awareness of Mental Health and supports are on the rise, at last slowly but surely the stigma of asking for help and recognising the signs of when you are not ok are being acknowledged. Supporting a friend and having the conversation “Are you ok?” is not so awkward.

Many Support Services have become available for that little bit of extra guidance when you are stuck and looking for some strategies they have been trialled and studied by professionals.

This week I happened to come across the Family Life page and see the Shine programme flash before me with the focus on Casey Shire and the word FREE and my eyes lit up. This needed to be shared and please consider others in your community who might be grateful for this support right now.

If you have been asking yourself the same questions again and again re how you can support your children with their emotional wellbeing, just click on the link now and make an enquiry; everyone deserves to be heard.


Strike while the iron is hot they say and here is another service run by Casey Council supporting our Young People with FREE counselling. There are spaces available Now!

If you have noticed your child struggling with their emotions, friendships, school refusal or lack of motivation, do a check in and encourage them to have a chat with a Counsellor who may be able to help change their mindset. ( Note: only available for ages 10-18+)

Did you know YCaSS provides:

  • Free and confidential support
  • School holiday appointments available
  • Weekly appointments offered
  • Telehealth and In Person appointments
  • Youth-friendly, non-clinical environment
  • and No Medicare Card or Mental Health Care Plan is required
  • Referral is as simple as a phone call to 9792 7279

Support includes: Individual counselling (ages 13-25),

Children’s Counselling (ages 10-12) and Parent Support Sessions


For more information or to request a service:

Call 9792 7279 to speak to an intake worker or Text 0417 347 909 with your name and number

Mandy Barr
