
Students have now started Semester 2 and will shortly receive their end of semester report. This can be an important time in a student’s educational development, or a wasted opportunity, depending on how this moment is approached.

Despite all that we have learnt in recent years about the ability of our amazing human brain to learn new things, students often still have the belief that their present ability is somehow ‘baked in’ and immutable; nothing could be further from the truth. Students who have a fixed mindset are less likely to seek help for fear that their lack of knowledge or lack of expertise will be discovered. They are also more likely to give up, rather than sticking with a knotty problem. These worrisome learning behaviours apply regardless of their present level of achievement.

The goal of feedback is to improve student learning, but this only happens when the feedback is specific and the student is willing to listen, reflect and learn from the feedback.

I encourage all students to move past the first two statements (below), which will require effort and persistence.

Dr Robert Jacob

Deputy Principal and Head of Wellbeing

Music at Casey Grammar

Our school community has enjoyed some beautiful music over the past two weeks. The Senior School Music Night featuring performances from our music students in Years 9–12 was a real treat. Last week, music students from Years 3–12 played to a packed house in the annual Winter Concert. It was a joyous evening which showcased some exceptional musical talent. A highlight was the Year 3 students playing their violins. Their confidence and ability were amazing given they have only been learning for one semester. Bravo to the students and to our exceptional music teachers.

SIS TheatreSports Competition

This year, Casey Grammar entered the SIS Theatresports Championships for the first time. This is an improvisation competition where students had to create entertaining performances on the spot. Teams were judged on their good storytelling, teamwork, creativity and entertainment value. Out Junior team made it to the semi-finals of the competition coming in fourth overall. Our Senior team worked through each round to make it to the semi-finals, then the grand final to end up overall winners! Our Performing Arts Captain Ebony B was also recognised as the overall best Character and Rhylee A won the Most Supportive Player Award.

I always knew Casey Grammar had an exceptional Performing Arts Department and extraordinarily talented students and these results prove I am not biased! Casey Grammar School is the team to beat in Theatresports in the future. I am so proud of the students and extend my congratulations to Mr Ben Peake for his nurturing of their talent.

SS Exams

Senior School students have completed their mid-year exams and received valuable feedback from their teachers regarding their exam performance. Being able to perform under exam conditions is an important skill for our students to develop. We hope that this round of practice exams has given all students an insight into their strengths and weaknesses in preparing for and completing examinations. The feedback provided will give them areas to focus on to improve their performance in future exams.

JS Body Safety and Year 10 Retreat

Casey Grammar endeavours to provide a well-rounded education to all students. As well as their core learning, students are taught how to be inclusive, respectful, compassionate and to act with integrity and excellence. These lessons are integrated into everyday classroom teaching and sometimes they are taught through specific programs or through guest presenters. Over this term, our Junior School students have been learning about body safety delivered by guest presenters. These lessons cover important, age-appropriate matters such as understanding your body, privacy and consent.

Last week, as part of their three-day retreat, our Year 10 students had an opportunity to talk about issues of concern in our wider community such as sexism, racism and misogyny. I was proud to listen to the mature way in which our young people discussed these complex and difficult issues.

At a recent Senior School assembly, Dr Jacob raised these issues with senior students. He encouraged them to be aware of, and to report any examples of sexism, racism or misogyny they witness or experience. We encourage our students to be upstanding and to speak up.

Having these conversations with your child can be challenging, however, I encourage you to talk to your child/ren about their experiences of sexism and misogyny in school. The link below takes you to a great article by Dr Catherine Smith from the centre for Wellbeing Science, University of Melbourne. She gives parents useful strategies for conducting these conversations.


Trist and Reid House Chapel

Last week Senior School enjoyed the end of semester House Chapel conducted by students in Trist and Reid Houses. The theme of the Chapel was ‘Imagine’. Through images, stories, reflections and music, the students showcased the many ways they imagine a better community and a better future for everyone. It was a very moving Chapel and I thank Mrs Riviere-Pendle for her nurturing of the students who contributed.

SS Awards Assembly

The Senior School end of semester Colours and Awards assembly was held today. It was wonderful to celebrate the growth and achievements of our students across the course of this semester. Colours and Awards were presented for a wide range of endeavours. The large number of recipients highlights the excellence achieved by many Casey Grammar students this semester. Congratulations to all award recipients.

Happy Holidays

The countdown is on for the school holidays! I hope you enjoy the activities you have planned as a family and that you all find time to relax and rejuvenate. Maggie Dent, a parenting author and educator, has written an excellent article advocating for parents to give their children more freedom to play during their free time. She talks about the dangers of ‘safetyism’ which can hinder children’s development and resilience. As you prepare for the school holidays, I recommend her article to you.


Have a wonderful holiday.

Fiona Williams
