From the Head of Senior School

Over the past two weeks, as we have neared the end of Semester 1, students in Years 7 to 11 have sat formal mid-year exams. This has given students the chance to set goals, develop essential study skills, and focus on time management and stress resilience. In the coming days, as exam results are released and in the lead up to semester reports, it is important to stay calm and reflect on your performance by identifying strengths and areas for improvement. By maintaining a balanced outlook and focusing on continuous improvement, exam results can be turned into valuable opportunities for academic development.

I would like to congratulate the Years 9 to 12 music students for putting on a marvellous event last Thursday evening showcasing their work from the first semester. Their performances reflected their consistent dedication to instrumental studies and their collaborative efforts in ensembles. Friends and family enjoyed the concert immensely.

Finally, I would like to commend those who were able to join us last week at the Cyber Safety Parent Seminar, where parents were provided with practical resources to help navigate and support children in their online interactions. The presentation was informative, and at times eye-opening, but focused on the importance of planning, preventing and protecting children who are faced with challenges online.

SIS Boys Volleyball

The SIS Intermediate Boys Volleyball had their first win last Friday at Casey Stadium, coming back from two sets to one to end up with a victory. It was a testament to their hard work, regular practice and teamwork shown all season. Well done boys — a much-deserved result.

Kate Morgan

Head of Senior School