How to use the Upcoming Holiday Break to Enhance your Employability

When recruiting for staff, employers are seeking evidence of the skills you have in relation to the requirements of the job. Employers don’t expect young people to have lots of work experience. They do, however, expect that prospective employees have tried to develop their skills.

So, what skills are employers looking for and how does a 15-year-old student develop these skills?

Employers are looking for general skills that are transferable across any role you undertake. These skills can be defined in different ways, but generally, they can be broken down into these nine categories:

- Communication

- Critical Thinking

- Project Management

- Financial Literacy

- Technology

- Global Enthusiasm/Citizenship

- Confidence and Agency

- Creativity and Innovation

- Enthusiasm for Ongoing Learning

With the holidays fast approaching, it is a good opportunity for students to reflect on these employability skills and to identify opportunities for personal development. Take advantage of the longer mid-year break to improve your skills or develop a new skill.

There are many ways to develop your skills (aside from paid employment). Some examples include:

- Volunteer (this can include volunteering at your local Sporting Club, church).

- Write a blog (about an area of interest).

- Offer to assemble Christmas gifts for family members.

- Offer to mow your neighbour’s lawns, wash their car or walk their dog.

- Read.

- Start cooking a weekly meal for your family.

- Start a new sport or commit to developing a particular aspect of your game (e.g., cricket – focus on fielding).

- Establish an exercise routine and commit to it (remember: it takes 21 days to form a new habit).

- Learn a new language (there are plenty of online platforms to support this).

- Enrol in a short course (e.g. Responsible Service of Alcohol, Food Preparation).

Remember: Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognise them.

Congratulations Tessa S – Monash Scholars Program

Congratulations to Tessa S (Year 10) on her selection into the Monash Scholars program.

The Monash Scholars is a prestigious program for high achieving secondary school students. We were thrilled to hear that her application was successful. The program gives high potential students a unique head start into university life.

What a wonderful opportunity for personal and academic development! Well done, Tessa.

Careers Corner Weekly

Please visit this to access a comprehensive overview of careers related news and information.

Careers Corner Weekly June 2024 

Happy reading!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. My workdays are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and I am best contacted on the below email.

Sarah Blythman

Head of Careers and Student Pathways