Cybersafety Session

All parents are warmly invited to attend a free seminar with Cyber Safety Project next Monday 3 June at 7:00 pm. This valuable seminar will help give you the knowledge and skills to help your child navigate the digital world safely, and responsibly use contemporary digital tools. The organisation presenting is accredited with the eSafety commissioner and will be sharing the most up-to-date information about how young people engage with the digital world.

The seminar is held in the VCE Centre Lecture Theatre, and you can register for this event by clicking on the following link.

Dr Robert Jacob

Deputy Principal

Girl Power

We were thrilled to receive the news that Jesmine L in Year 9 has won a coveted spot in the Girlpower in Engineering and IT Program at the University of Melbourne. With over 100 applicants for 30 places, Jesmine has demonstrated her skills in IT and Engineering. She is poised to hone her skills even further through the activities offered by the university in this program. Congratulations Jesmine.


Last week the school community came together to enjoy the Senior School production of Puffs. It was wonderful to see so many students enjoying the show, particularly Junior School students, many of whom came dressed in their favourite Harry Potter costumes. 

Congratulations to all the students and staff involved in this fine production. The show represents many hours of work — all of which were conducted out of hours. The performances, costumes, sets, lighting and audio were of the highest standard, and all produced by students (under the careful guidance of their teachers). Thank you to everyone involved.

Glass Containers at School

While we celebrate the replacement of plastics in our everyday lives, the growing use of glass lunch containers at school has become a problem. They are a health and safety concern when broken. I have received complaints from the school’s maintenance team regarding glass containers left on the oval. These are difficult to see when mowing and are extremely dangerous if mowed over. 

The broken glass poses a safety threat to all people playing on the oval. Last week a glass container was dropped and broken in the entrance to the Year 7 building. While cleaned up quickly, it posed a serious threat to Buddy who was timetabled in the Year 7 building in the afternoon.

If you choose to send your child’s lunch in a glass container, please remind them that they must not take their lunch on to the oval. They should be seated when eating and put their container away carefully, so it does not get broken.

Second-Hand Uniform Shop Opening Hours

The PFC are opening the Second-Hand Uniform Shop for sales on:

Tuesday 28 May 8:15 am – 8:45 am

Thursday 30 May 3:20 pm – 3:50 pm

Please note that the Second-Hand Uniform Shop has moved. It is now located between rooms GL49 and GL50. Walk through Casey Common to the building at the back of the school. There will be sandwich boards to direct you and the new shop is clearly marked with a sign on the door.

Dogs in School

Over this semester, Buddy has settled well into his role as wellbeing dog in the school. He has increased his time at school to three days a week (usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and we have also increased our pool of teachers who can take Buddy into their classroom. 

Over the coming months Buddy will be working in many more classrooms and will be seen a lot more around the school. To ensure Buddy’s health and safety at school, we cannot allow any other dogs into the school when he is working. 

The exceptions to this rule are guide dogs, therapy dogs and other wellbeing dogs registered with the school. On the days Buddy is at school, we will display this sign outside Reception. Please do not bring your dog into the school when this sign is displayed.

Fiona Williams
