From an Idea to Reality – Melbourne to Japan

One of my favourite parts of my position is when students come to me with an idea that we can make happen. It is exciting to witness students with enough passion and willingness to work to bring something to life. Late last term one of our Year 12 students approached me about the possibility of participating in Model United Nations, something our school has not been able to do for some years.

We approached Rotary, and the club from Central Melbourne kindly agreed to sponsor a team, despite being some distance from Cranbourne. So, last weekend Naheed and Anushka travelled into The Graduate House at the University of Melbourne to represent CGS as the country of Japan. Here is a reflection from Naheed:

MUNA (Model United Nations) aims to promote youth involvement in current global issues and foster environments for networking among like-minded students. We represented the delegation of Japan, utilising the weekend to debate global issues and to gain a better appreciation of international politics, as well as UN proceedings while also forming connections with students from across Melbourne. This is a program we greatly recommend to any students who are in Years 10–12 next year and who have a keen interest in public speaking and debating contemporary global issues.

A Gathering of our Whole School Community

This year is my eighth year at Casey Grammar and in that time, there have been very few opportunities for the entire school to gather together. On Friday, our Foundation to Year 12 students come together to be welcomed onto Bunurong Country by members of the Bunurong Land Council. We are so grateful for their presence with us.

Our Year 4 students did a wonderful job of singing the Reconciliation Australia choir item for 2024, ‘Blackfella, Whitefella’. Sincere thanks to Mrs Kyne and the Year 4 students for the part they played. It was a significant way for us to prepare for Reconciliation Week, underway at the publication of this newsletter, but we will explore next fortnight.

The notion of Reconciliation is central to the Christian story and as a school with foundations of faith, it is an increasingly important part of our school life.

Welcome Carolyn

Finally, I am delighted to share that Carolyn Baker is doing her Chaplaincy placement here at Casey Grammar. She will be with us on Thursdays over the coming two terms. I am looking forward to her contribution and presence in our school during this time. Her faith is warmly and genuinely expressed, and she will no doubt come to know various members of our community through her time with us.

Every blessing to you all in the week ahead.

Monique Riviere-Pendle
