Junior School News
It was wonderful to welcome each of our 525 Junior School students back to another exciting year at CGS. If the animated and enthusiastic chatter of our students since returning to the 2024 school year is anything to go by, then we are in for a very energized year ahead. I trust that you and your families had an enjoyable break that included much relaxation and quality family time.
I would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to all those families who have joined us for the first time. It was wonderful to see the anticipation in the eyes of our new Foundation students as they explored their new environments. I am sure they will soon feel part of our CGS community and their presence will add so much to our school.
Despite some initial nervousness, which is to be expected, they have settled in well and are now becoming more familiar with their teachers, surroundings and routines. There are also some other families who have joined us for the first time, and I trust that these students will quickly feel part of our community.
We have certainly hit the ground running over our first two school weeks of the year with much learning in our classrooms and reigniting of old friendships and establishing of new friendships too. We have enjoyed our Foundation Welcome BBQ and our Junior School Information Evening.
Sincere thanks to our ever-supportive parent body for making the effort to attend these important events. Thanks also to our dedicated staff who were involved in each event. I would like to acknowledge and thank our PFC for hosting our Welcome BBQ — your support is always very much appreciated.
Last Friday saw many students and quite a number of staff attend our swimming trials at Casey Race. It was an early start for everyone, and I would like to thank Mr Batey and Ms Roffey for organizing and running this event.
Here’s to a wonderful year ahead for our Junior School students full of rich learning experiences, much fun, and friendships to last a lifetime.
Melissa Roberton
Head of Junior School
Foundation Newsletter
What a wonderful start our Foundation students have had to their first year of school, with lots of smiles and enthusiasm as they commenced their school journey at Casey Grammar School. Students had many opportunities to connect with their new classmates, teachers and learning environment as they celebrated this special milestone, and it was particularly exciting as we moved into our new Foundation building.
It has been wonderful to see how well our students have settled into their learning space and school routines. We have enjoyed meeting our new Foundation families and being able to welcome everyone to our classrooms.
Our focus has been on developing a strong foundation for learning and providing students with opportunities to feel excited about school. There have been a range of purposeful learning experiences in the classroom, including shared reading, hands on mathematics tasks, as well as commencing our SMART Spelling Program which they have greatly enjoyed.
There have been important opportunities for structured interactive play and social skill development to help students develop self-confidence, collaborative skills and a sense of belonging in their new learning space. Our Foundation students have amazed us with their focus and enthusiasm for learning. We are looking forward to a wonderful year together.

Vanessa Hodgkiss
Head of Early Years (F-2)