A Busy Start!

In our first week, one on one career pathway ‘check ins’ commenced with our 2024 Year 12 cohort. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss 2025 plans. This information enables the school to provide targeted support to ensure our students achieve their career (and life) goals.

In addition, we ran an Information Session for Year 10 students and their parents/guardians (Understanding your child’s Morrisby Profile) on Tuesday 6 February.

The focus of this session was to ‘unpack’ student Morrisby results and to similarly provide tips to support parents with engaging in positive career discussions in the home. Tyson Day (Arrive and Thrive) shared a wonderful resource that can support parents/guardians to have meaningful conversations with their young person. I would encourage students and parents/guardians of all secondary students to utilise this wonderful Career Convo Dinner Menu resource.

What a Wonderful End to 2023

On 21 December, our 2023 Year 12 students waited anxiously to receive an offer to study at University/TAFE in 2024. I was similarly anxious to find out what wonderful pathways our students would be pursuing (although based on the amazing ATAR results they had achieved, I was quietly confident).

I am thrilled to announce that 100% of our students who applied for a tertiary course received an offer in the first round. What an amazing outcome!

Over the next few weeks, I will share some of the wonderful outcomes our students have achieved.

Work Experience – Victorian Police Force (Abby H, Year 12, Reid)

In October 2023, Abby H (Year 12, Reid) had the opportunity to undertake a one-week work experience placement with the Victorian Police. Abby shares her experience below:

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to complete a work experience program with Victoria Police. For one week in October, I worked and learnt about each of the roles at the Frankston Police Station. Due to sensitivity and legal reasons, I can only share information that is not confidential.

The first day started with a tour of the entire station and the different roles (i.e. General, Custody, Criminal Investigations, Property, Administrations, Prosecutions). I was shown how to use their online programs and systems. I spent the majority of Monday in the Watch House reviewing body camera footage of high-speed chases and other arrests/interactions. I also watched over the security cameras how Custody Officers interacted with the people who stayed in the cells overnight. I then got to watch the process of fingerprinting, photographing, interviewing and arresting an offender.

The next day I was assigned to the Administration and Property Office, where I observed case and court files, evidence and mailing systems. I learnt how to read and decipher codes of different coding systems to organise elements of cases and evidence. In the Property Office, I assisted in multiple property and evidence destructions.

I spent a day visiting many crime scenes varying in severity. There, I observed and learnt how to collect forensic evidence such as fingerprints, photos and different types of DNA samples. I also interacted with victims and learnt how to develop and process the evidence back at the Somerville Police Station.

On Thursday, I spent the day in the Frankston Magistrates’ Court, where I observed both the behind-the-scenes work of the officers, security and legal representatives, and the courtroom proceedings. Some of the cases and people there were rather interesting, however, I cannot share further details of it.

On the last day, I completed further work in all the areas I had already been introduced to. The Officers and Administration Team organised a goodbye lunch and gave a toast to me, before seeing me off. At the end of the day, I was paid for the week and finished the information folder I received from the officers. I highly recommend that anyone considering a career in the police force or related careers takes the opportunity to complete this work experience program. It provides so much insight into the jobs and helped me decide that the police is the path I will be following.

Careers Corner Weekly

Please visit this link to access a comprehensive overview of careers related news and information.

Happy reading!

Sarah Blythman

Head of Careers and Student Pathways
