Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is with great excitement that we share today's VCE results with you as we celebrate some of the best VCE results in our school’s 30-year history, with 10% of students attaining an ATAR of 90 and above. This places them in the top 10% of students in the state.

Adding to these impressive achievements, 25% of Casey Grammar School students scored an ATAR of 80 or above.

Over half of Year 12 students (52.5%) placed in the top 30% of students in Victoria – this is a significant increase of 10% on last year.

The Dux of Casey Grammar School, Saketh Vinukonda, achieved an outstanding ATAR of 97.5, with Jashneel Nand receiving Proxime Accessit with an ATAR of 97.25.

The entire Casey Grammar School community is incredibly proud of the Year 12 students and their latest VCE results. They really are a cause for celebration!

Every parent who has had a child navigate the ups and downs of the VCE years knows how tough that journey can be. This cohort of students have risen to every challenge. They have worked hard, they have supported each other, they have asked questions and they have succeeded. Today’s results are a testament to their resilience, curiosity and determination.

I would also like to recognise the many dedicated teachers at Casey Grammar School who have also been part of the VCE journey this year. Each year, those teachers do their very best to inspire and encourage every young person in their classroom. They never give up and they never grow tired of nurturing students and sparking their interest and belief in themselves. For that, we are all grateful

Congratulations class of 2023!

Fiona Williams,
