30th Anniversary Celebrations

Tuesday was a special day in the history of the school as we gathered to formally celebrate our 30th Anniversary. It was wonderful to remember what the school was like 30 years ago and to compare those memories to what it is now. While the school has grown and changed over the past 30 years, some things have remained constant. We are, and always have been, a school that nurtures Bright Minds and Kind Hearts. 

The original vision for Casey Grammar School (formally Cranbourne Christian Community College) was ‘for a coeducational school from Prep to Year 12 with a policy of open entry and a low-fee structure. The College would aim for excellence, while developing each student’s potential, in an environment of care and concern.’ We are proud to have carried this vision for 30 years and will continue to uphold it into the future.

I am grateful to our special guest speaker, past student Jacqualine Newton (Class of 2003) who shared lots of wonderful memories of her days as a student at Cranbourne Christian College. I am grateful to the many VIPs who came along to help us celebrate this important milestone.

As part of our celebrations, we have introduced a new school tie which has been designed to pair with the blue school blazer. The new school tie is now available at the uniform shop. There will be a transition period for the old tie to phase out. I encourage you to purchase the new tie next time you are in the uniform shop.

New Learning Centre / Library Building

The access track for the new Learning Centre / Library building has commenced. Early next year, the library will be demolished and a new Learning Centre / Library building will be built. The staff and students are very excited about moving into the new building. Here are the artist’s impressions of the front facade and the entry foyer of the new library. It is a magnificent building which will be located in the heart of the school.

Changes in 2024

Parent Teacher Interviews

In 2024 we are introducing a choice for parents in terms of the mode of delivery of parent- teacher interviews. Parents can choose to come to school for a face-to-face interview or they may choose an on-line interview via Teams. Face-to-face interviews will be held at school at the conclusion of the school day. On-line interviews will be conducted throughout the school day, giving parents the option of dialling in from work or home. Offering interviews across the school day means there will also be more time slots available for interviews in 2024.

The dates for the interviews are listed below. There are different dates for Junior School and Senior School interviews.

Please note that there will be student free days next year so the teaching staff can conduct their interviews.

Student Free days 2024

Senior School - Friday 8 March and Monday 9 September.

Junior School – Friday 26 April and Monday 5 August

Parent Teacher Interview Dates 2024

Semester 1

Year 7–12 all day (via Teams) Friday 8 March

Year 7-12 evening (face-to-face at school) Tuesday 12 March

F-6 evening (face-to-face at school) Tuesday 23 April

F-6 all day (via Teams) Friday 26 April

Semester 2

F-6 all day (via Teams) Monday 5 August

F-6 evening (face-to-face at school) Wednesday 7 August

Year 7–12 all day (via Teams) Monday 9 September

Year 7-12 evening (face-to-face at school) Tuesday 10 September

New Bell Times 2024

We are also introducing new bell times in 2024.

Senior School classes commence at 8.40am and conclude at 3.15pm

Junior School classes commence at 8.50am and conclude at 3.15pm

The changed bell times means we will have slightly staggered start times for Junior and Senior School students. This facilitates different recess break times for Junior and Senior School students.

Fiona Williams
