Much to be Grateful For

Our CGS Community has a lot to be grateful for.

I received a lovely email from a parent recently giving thanks to the school for enrolling their child. It was such an unexpected message of gratitude, but one that I happily passed on to the child’s teachers. The truth is, it has been a pleasure to welcome this student into our school community, and witnessing their social, emotional and academic growth has been a rewarding experience. At the heart of it all, seeing our future generations flourish is what makes teaching such a rewarding profession.

The recent ‘World Teachers’ Day’ was an opportunity for us to celebrate the teachers and support staff at Casey Grammar for their work in inspiring and caring for our students. I would like to acknowledge Ms Tegan Kearney, our Staff Wellbeing Promotions Coordinator, for her thoughtfulness and her many hours of planning to deliver messages of gratitude and for bringing us together to celebrate. We appreciate every heartfelt message of thanks and are truly lucky to be a part of such an amazing community at CGS.

Kate Morgan

Head of Senior School