In a heartfelt tribute to the 90 students from the Graduating Class of 2023, staff, students, family and friends gathered to bid them farewell and to extend our best wishes for their future success beyond their time at Casey Grammar.

Following the morning’s Valedictory Assembly, the entire school formed a Guard of Honour, allowing our graduates to meander through the school grounds where they have spent so much time, some as long as thirteen years.

The Valedictory Dinner was held at Q Events by Metropolis, in the heart of Melbourne, and what a beautiful event this was! We shared memories, expressed our gratitude for each other, and enjoyed being together to celebrate this cohort one final time. Regardless of the paths they choose, these students should be proud of how far they have come, and leave Casey Grammar knowing that they will be missed.

‘Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams.’

A special mention to the following students who were recognised for their achievements:

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – Emerson R
The ADF Future Innovators Award – Dong-Ting C
The Duffy & Simon Law Award – Jonathan Z
The Principal’s Art Acquisition Award – Nicolas L
The Ampol Best All Rounder Award – Mannat H


The VCE written exams are underway! Good luck to our Years 11 and 12 students. You’ve got this!

Student Leadership

Congratulations to our newly elected Senior School Student Leadership Team for 2024.

School Captains – Mya A & Jay R
Academic Captain – Allysha W
Environment Captain – Meher K
Performing Arts Captain – Ebony B
Social Justice Captain – Sophie A
Sport Captain – Niduka R
Wellbeing Captain – Hannah M
Booth Captains – Rhylee A and Fletcher M
Leaver Captains – Acquline M and Mitchell T
Reid Captains – Emily O and Molly T
Trist Captains – Tina M and Nicholas R

Kate Morgan

Head of Senior School

S.I.S Art Exhibition

Casey Grammar students have been selected to showcase their artwork for the upcoming S.I.S. Art/Design/Technology exhibition at the Frankston Art Gallery. The exhibition will be a celebration of creativity and talent, featuring a diverse collection of artworks from a number of Independent Schools. Please find all the details on the poster and hopefully you can visit on any of the dates.

SIS Art Exhibition

2023 RACI International Chemistry Quiz

Ten students volunteered to participate in this year’s International Chemistry Quiz. The quiz attracts students throughout Australia and 20 other countries around the world, including India, Germany and China.

All students are to be congratulated on their results. The awarding of certificates of merit is:

High Distinction – The top 10% of students in the region
Distinction – The next 20% of students in the region
Credit – The next 20% of students in the region

The following students received a Distinction Certificate:

Srisaran G

Anjan A

Fletcher M

Hannah M

Ricky Q

Holly L

The following student received a Credit Certificate:

Kamalesh M

The following students received a Participation Certificate:

Jacinta M

Ella B

Jay R

Congratulations to all certificate recipients! I warmly encourage students to consider participating in the competition next year.

Kylie Rose

Head of Science

SIS Sport

There was much excitement last week as our SIS Sport teams ventured out to compete in their first matches of the term.

I have been very pleased to receive such wonderful feedback about our students already from our coaches and referees! This feedback reflected the polite nature of many of our competitors, the effort displayed, and encouragement given to one another.

Congratulations to the following teams:

Junior Girls Basketball team for winning their first game by 10 points!

Intermediate Boys Basketball for winning 40 – 26!

We look forward to watching our teams improve their skills, strengthen friendships and develop as a team over the coming weeks.

Jess Delgos
Sport Coordinator