Vale Year 12

Last week we said a fond farewell to the Class of 2023. Their Valedictory celebrations were joyous occasions where we were able to celebrate each student’s contributions to the school.

To the class of 2023 — it has been a privilege to be part of your educational journey. You are a diverse group of people who have bonded into a supportive community. I admire the support you have provided each other and the respect with which you treat each other. Each person has their own place, and their unique talents are celebrated by everyone. This year I have seen you blossom as leaders of the school. Through your initiative and service to others, you have led many school events and been role models to the rest of the school. You have laid a foundation for the leaders who will follow you and, for this legacy, we thank you.

Good luck in your exams and all the best in your future endeavours.

F–2 Athletics Carnival

The Foundation to Year 2 Athletics Carnival is always a great day. Watching our smallest people enjoy themselves in races and games is a delight. Congratulations to everyone who participated. There were lots of tired children on Friday night!

Year 3 Camp

Our Year 3 students enjoyed their first camp experience at The Briars in Mornington. After a very wet start to the day which caused some anxiety amongst the staff, the children were lucky enough to have the weather clear which meant they were able to complete all of the planned outdoor activities. The Year 3 camp was a wonderful introduction to our school’s camp program and the students are now looking forward to their Year 4 camp next year.

VCE Bus Man Market Days

Due to the growth of enrolment in VCE Business Management classes, our annual Business Management Market Day has expanded into two days. Friday lunchtimes saw Casey Common turn into a marketplace with crowds of appreciative patrons purchasing the Year 11 student’s wares. The market was a valuable experiential learning experience for our VCE students which they will reflect on in their studies over the rest of the year.

Second Hand Uniform Sales

The PFC will be opening the second hand uniform shop on Friday 27 October between 8.15am – 8.45 am.

PAC Carpark

This is a friendly reminder that the car parks adjacent to the Junior School in the PAC carpark are all ‘Kiss and Go’ spots. If you are parked in these sports you must not leave your car to drop off or collect your child from their classrooms. These spots are reserved for quick drop off and pick up. Please vacate the spot as soon as your children have left the car and as soon as your children are in the car. Please do not leave your car unattended in these parking spots.

World Teachers’ Day 2023

Australia will celebrate the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day on Friday 27 October 2023.

We are calling for your support to help us create surprise messages to celebrate our wonderful teachers at Casey Grammar School for their skilled work in educating, inspiring and supporting our students.

Parents, guardians and students, you are invited to send a message of gratitude to our teachers to let them know what a difference they make.

  • Please take some time over the next couple of weeks to reflect on the work of our teachers.
  • When you are ready, sit down and type out your message or messages (if you would like to write to several teachers!).
  • Identify the teacher to whom your message is addressed and note down who the message is from.
  • Ms Tegan Kearney will be collecting and distributing these to our teachers so please send your messages of thanks and gratitude to this email address:

To enable effective collation, please ensure that your messages are sent by 24 October.

Thank you for your support in helping us celebrate our amazing teachers!

Fiona Williams
