Welcome to Term 3!

The final week of Term 2 was certainly busy at CGS. Mrs Harvie and her fabulous 4H students hosted our last assembly for the semester, and it was a sensational show. We had a huge bus, trampolines, colourful costumes and talented performers up on the big stage. The assembly highlighted our fabulous Year 4 City Camp. The places the students had visited included Bounce, a roof top cinema and the Eureka Skydeck. The student reflections and class photos showed just how valuable this experience was for our students. Congratulations to 4H!

Our Year 2 cohort were all very excited to travel to Melbourne to attend an opera. Our students were full of awe and wonder as they arrived at the beautiful theatre and made their way along the red carpet and up the grand staircase. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being in a theatre, many for the first time, and were surprised just how much it differed from a cinematic experience. 

It was magical for our students to see the many elements of the theatre including, not just the operatic performance of The Grumpiest Boy in the World, but also seeing the orchestra members in their pit. It was the perfect way to not only end their term, but also to conclude their Performing Arts lessons for the semester after completing online lessons with the Children’s Opera. Sincere thanks to Mrs Kyne for not only teaching our Year 2 students about opera, but also for organising this special event for them to attend. Mrs Kyne was ably assisted by our Year 2 staff and I’d like to thank them too.

Huge congratulations again to Mrs Kyne and our Performing Arts staff and our talented student performers who participated in our annual Winter Concert. It was an amazing show and the finale, which involved 75 Year 3 students and another two string groups playing violins and cellos, was simply sensational. What a great way to end the semester.

This term has got off to an interesting start to say the least. Our Years 3–6 students were happy to take part in a French Crêpe incursion that saw them order a crêpe in French and then enjoy eating it! Thanks to Madame Grant for organising this delicious incursion. 

We have also had to contend with traffic issues created by the road works and subsequent closure of New Holland Drive. I’d like to thank our parents for exercising patience and care when dropping off and picking up students. Last Monday we were locked down while the fire brigade put out a fire at the Salvation Army building. We sent our support to our neighbours and were relieved to hear that no one was injured in the fire. Please note that the Salvation Army car park will be unavailable to our parents for the foreseeable future. 

Sincere thanks to our parents for the part you played in picking up your students in a calm, orderly manner, once our lockdown concluded after the gas leak on Wednesday. I’d like to also commend our entire staff for professionally and calmly putting our emergency plan swiftly into action and ensuring the safety of our students, which is always our top priority at CGS.

Here’s to a smoother remainder of the term.

Melissa Roberton

Head of Junior School

Beginning Term 3 in Foundation with a BANG!

It has been an absolute joy to see the smiling faces and the enthusiasm of our Foundation students as they commenced their third term at school.

This term, our unit of Inquiry is titled Snap, Crackle and Pop! and is exploring the wonderful world of chemical science. Foundation students have already started investigating science and what it means to think scientifically and how science can be used to better understand the world around us. Through a range of hands on, engaging scientific experiments, students have been developing a range of specific scientific inquiry skills, including effective questioning, hypothesising, testing and making observations. This week, we have been exploring how materials can be classified and how they behave and change or react. We have been conducting experiments involving mixing, pouring and changing temperature, and observing the results. It has been wonderful to see the curiosity and wonder that students have shown throughout our sessions so far, and the insightful questions, ideas and ‘wonderings’ have laid a wonderful foundation for our inquiry. We are looking forward to further developing our scientific skills and understandings over the coming weeks.

Vanessa Hodgkiss

Head of Early Years ( P–2 )

Year 2 Visit to the Opera

23 June 2023

The Grumpiest Boy in the World

As part of their curriculum unit on understanding the elements of Opera, Year 2 students travelled to Hamer Hall to watch a live performance of The Grumpiest Boy in the World.

Here are some recounts below.

“On the last day of Term 2, all the Year 2 students went to the opera to see The Grumpiest Boy in the World. I got to see all the musicians in the pit. It was so much fun!”

Airlie C 2H

“On the last day of Term 2, the Year 2 students went on an excursion to the theatre to watch The Grumpiest Boy in the World. The theatre was very fancy and the chairs were super soft. We sat in the front, so we saw the pit. I loved it!”

Sarah J 2H

“My favourite part was the play. It was fantastic! Firstly, the intro was extremely long, and the main song was a cool song to listen to.”

Avnoor B 2D

“When we arrived, we ate our lunch at Hamer Hall. Then it was time for the excitement to start. Zachary was my favourite character. My favourite part was when all the students pretended that Zachary was the King.”

Alana B 2D

“My favourite part was when they formed a dog that was half dinosaur with their hands and heads.”

Yash A 2D

Bronwyn Kyne

Head of Leaver House – Junior School