The Simple Formula for Parenting

The journey of parenting can be full of ups and downs, and while there is no manual, we are guided by our instincts, love, and care for our children, as well as our own experiences and the community around us. Michael Gross, a parenting expert, has compiled this useful list of simple strategies, ideas, and support to help parents navigate this journey. 

One formula that stands out is catching kids being kind, gentle, and strong. 

This simple reminder can help parents celebrate the good moments and encourage positive behavior in their children. In this article, we will explore some of the key parenting formulas that Gross recommends for building character, establishing healthy habits, and promoting positive relationships within the family.

  • Show kids how to behave
  • Keep pets to develop nurturance and responsibility
  • Be the adult in the parent-child relationship
  • Cultivate good manners
  • Build character daily
  • Catch kids being kind, gentle and strong
  • Establish healthy habits early
  • Stick to routines
  • Have fun
  • Eat together every day
  • Focus on excellence, not perfection
  • Spend individual time with each child each week
  • Expect kids to change
  • Keep an adult only space at home for those adult conversations away from prying ears
  • Admit it when you are wrong
  • Choose the time and place to deliver big messages
  • Keep the meal table free from arguments
  • Prepare for tomorrow the night before
  • Expect children to help
  • Encourage siblings to apologise
  • Send kids to school with breakfast, a kiss and a smile
  • Celebrate success as a family
  • Spend time in nature together
  • Let go.

By Michael Gross

‘It’s one thing to be taught kindness. It’s another thing to be touched by it.”

Mandy Barr
