40 Challenges

Last week at assembly we were excited to launch the 40 Hour Famine Challenge for our students in Years 7–12. They have been invited to participate by thinking about a challenge involving the number 40. Then, students are encouraged to raise funds for those experiencing famine around the world.

As a Christian school, we promote the understanding of the sacred value of each individual person, as well as the fact that we have a responsibility to respond with compassion, as Jesus did, in the face of suffering.

It is truly impossible for us to imagine what it is like for millions around the world who experience chronic food insecurity and are unable to plan meals for their families. Some may be aware that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a terrible impact on food security in Africa. Ukraine, as one of the world’s largest grain producers has been limited in sending their products to Africa, leading to a lack of food. Only last week, Russia struck another grain terminal, exacerbating an already dire situation.

Sometimes people make arguments like, ‘Give a person a fish and they eat for one meal, teach a person to fish and they have food for lifetime’ to argue that individuals suffering from food insecurity should be given longer term solutions. This is absolutely true. However, if there are no fish, and the crops have failed due to global warming, and the markets have less grain because of a war thousands of kilometres away and the price of grain has gone up exponentially because it is so scarce, then there is an imperative to provide urgent food that can give desperately needed nourishment. The physical and mental impact on children of malnourishment is lifelong, so both short and long term solutions must be a priority.

We have students who are looking to swim 40 km, go without food for 40 hours, run 40 km and bike ride 40 km. It is exciting to see and hear the various challenges our students are setting for themselves. Please support them in their endeavours by going to: https://40hourfamine.com.au/t/casey-grammar-school

There you can search for a student or team to support. The 40 Hour Famine weekend for Casey Grammar will take place around 1–3 September with some flexibility depending on the challenge. We look forward to seeing how the challenges unfold!

The RAP Process is Starting …

We are delighted to have our first meeting of the Reconciliation Action Plan committee this week. This is the first step in us creating a document for the whole school that will celebrate what is already happening but also plan for the future of Reconciliation in our school. It is wonderful to have staff, parents and students on this committee and we look forward to the work they will do. Thank you to those who are already giving their time to be involved. If you are interested in joining the committee, it isn’t too late. Simply email m.riviere-pendle@caseygrammar.vic.edu.au for more information.

The Last Daughter Film Screening 7 September in the Lecture Theatre

We are excited to offer families and secondary students the chance to watch ‘The Last Daughter’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q29vqBO1CM0 from 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm on 7 September, with afternoon tea and a brief discussion afterwards from 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm. The summary is as follows:

Brenda’s first memories were of growing up in a loving white foster family, before she was suddenly taken away and returned to her Aboriginal family. Decades later, she feels disconnected from both halves of her life. However, the traumas of her past do not lie quietly buried, so she goes searching for the foster family with whom she had lost all contact.

Along the way she uncovers long-buried secrets, government lies, and the possibility for deeper connections to family and culture.

‘The Last Daughter’ is a documentary about Brenda’s mission to unearth the truth about her past, and to reconcile the two sides of her family.

Please look out for further information and email m.riviere-pendle@caseygrammar.vic.edu.au if you are interested in attending.

May your week hold unexpected moments of blessing as you connect with your family and friends. May you notice the gifts of God’s creation in your comings and goings and may this bring you joy.

Monique Riviere-Pendle
