As Term 2 draws to a close, I wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday. I hope our students enjoy their well-earned break and return to school refreshed and ready to undertake the challenges of Term 3.
School uniform reminders
The school holidays pose a great opportunity for repairs to, or replacement of, worn school uniform items. It is also the perfect time to have the school blazer dry cleaned. After a period of disruption to the uniform supplies, the uniform shop is now fully stocked, and I encourage you to check your child’s uniform and replace lost or worn items. In particular, please check their supply of school socks as we have been seeing a lot of incorrect socks being worn with the uniform lately.
We have also noticed a lot of hair out as students come to school. Could you please make sure your child’s hair is tied back according to the uniform policy as they leave home each day? A reminder that the policy says hair touching the shoulders should be tied back. We will continue to remind students to keep their hair tied back here at school.
COVID reminders
I hope you and your family have made some wonderful plans for your holidays. Many of you will be taking the opportunity to travel or to visit new places and meet up with lots of different people. This is exactly what holidays are for. I take this opportunity to remind you to keep following COVID safe practices during your holidays to keep your family healthy and safe. Please remember not to send your child to school next term if they are unwell. Students who are unwell will be sent to the school nurse and you will need to take them home again.
Payroll/Learning tax reminders
Thank you to all parents who have taken the opportunity to write to their local members and/or sign the petition against the proposed payroll tax. Being required to pay additional tax simply because you chose to send your child to an independent school is unfair and an additional financial burden independent school families should not have to bear.
ISV has launched a dedicated scrap the tax on learning page with information about the tax, links to ISV’s public commentary, and a link to simple steps parents can take if they want to contact their MPs to voice their concerns. Please use the link above to access this information.
If you would like to sign the petition against the payroll tax, it can be found here. The more signatories, the more effective the petition will be.
Parents are reminded that School reports are being released at 3.30pm on Friday 23 June.
Have a great break.
Fiona Williams