I trust everyone enjoyed their holidays and were able to spend quality time with family and friends. We concluded Term 1 with a number of special events in the Junior School. Our Year 6 students enjoyed attending their Beach Program at Mornington Beach. Despite less than ideal weather, our students made the most of the opportunity, in and out of the water.

Late last term we were privileged to attend 1B’s fabulous assembly. The talented students entertained us by performing two creative plays based on kindness. Their chain of kindness was beautiful to see and such a unique way to demonstrate kindness and unity. The stickers they made and presented to each class were a terrific reminder to everyone to be kind. Bravo Mrs Black and your 1B students!

Huge congratulations to our Trist House students and their Head of House, Miss Reale, for running our Term 1 fundraiser. This consisted of a pyjama dress up day and an Easter raffle. All money raised was donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. This incredible hospital provides the best possible care for thousands of children and their families across Australia each year and the appeal raises money for life saving equipment, research and education. It was an incredible effort to have raised $1,750.60 to contribute to this worthy appeal and I’d like to sincerely thank all who contributed.

Our Junior School Easter Chapel took place on the final day of Term 1. Mrs Grant, Mrs Riviere-Pendle and our Year 6 students are to be commended for their contribution to our Easter Chapel. Each student spoke with confidence as they performed. It was a fitting end to our term, and I hope that our CGS community had a peaceful Easter.

During the first week of this term, our Year 1 cohort went on an excursion to Myunu Farm which was a huge success. Our students enjoyed getting up close with many different farm animals to feed them, milking the goats, turning wheat into flour and going on a train ride. Thanks to Mrs Black, Mrs Grech, Mrs Grant, Mrs Goutos and Ms Huitema for providing our students with such a wonderful learning experience.

I’d like to thank our supportive parent body for attending last week’s Parent/Teacher interviews. These interviews provide an opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss student achievement and learning behaviours, share children’s progress, and develop goals for improved learning and achievement in the future. It also gives teachers the chance to understand a little more about the students in their classrooms. At CGS we acknowledge that it is in the best interests of the student when their teacher and parents work together, and the student is likely to reap academic and social benefits.

Melissa Roberton

Head of Junior School

Year 6 Camp

Grade 6 Students from Casey Grammar School have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship Education. We appreciate their support through the Australian Government's Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program.

Patrick Byrne-Nelson and Tatum Sakeson

Year 6 Teacher

Trist House Good Friday Appeal

We owe a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 Trist Good Friday Appeal Fundraiser.

We greatly appreciate all the volunteers in Trist House, who spent their time helping us out. Thank you for doing tasks such as wrapping prizes, setting up tables, selling tickets and collecting donations. All those jobs made a big difference.

Thanks also go to everyone who came in their pyjamas and donated a gold coin. It was amazing to see students and teachers all involved. It was such a fun day for a great cause. Congratulations to the lucky winners of the raffle, which was drawn on the last day of school.

We raised a whopping $1,804.60, which is a terrific amount! You should all be very proud of yourselves. All this money can go towards equipment, education, research and more.

Chanel K

Trist Captain

Lunchtime House Activities

This term we have 4 exciting optional lunchtime activities for the Years 3–6 students. Each House will host an activity, which will be a chance to try something new, while having fun and getting to know students from different Houses. To kick off, Mrs Kyne and Leaver House held some Star Wars-themed games, coinciding with May the 4th.  Stay tuned for more updates and photos this term!

Junior School Heads of Houses