Junior School Commissioning Service

Junior School students in Years 3–6 gathered together for the Commissioning Service of the leaders and Year 6s. We were delighted to hear from the Year 3 Choir, conducted by Mrs Bronwyn Kyne. The Year 6 students were presented with a candle as a gift for their final year in the Junior School. It’s been a beautiful thing to watch these students grow from being Prep students to now having many goals for the year ahead. The leaders were invited to talk about some people they admired, and touchingly so many shared about their parents.

Here are a couple of their reflections:

I know that my mum is one of the best people I know in this world. She is so kind and loving. By the way, my mum is also the best chef in the world! (Sarbjot, Booth House Captain)

The person I look up to is my mum because she is always kind and cheers people up. She always helps us live the best life possible. She is a great role model to me and my siblings. (Harleen, Reid House Captain)

Mum always helps me even when her hands are full. She has taught me so much including being a leader. She has taken great care of me. (Aaron, Leaver House Captain)

My parents have been super supportive ever since I was in Prep. They always manage to help me with anything I need. (Dihein, Trist House Captain)

Parents and families play such a crucial role in the lives of our students, and particularly through these times of transition — the final year of Junior School. I’m sure many mums and dads can identify with the image of having full hands! Thank you for the love and commitment you show, day in and day out, for our students. It is a gift never to be taken for granted.

Our Bible verse for the service was the very well-known Golden Rule found in Matthew 7:12. Jesus is encouraging his listeners to ‘do to others as you would have them do to you’. It so perfectly encapsulates the compassion, respect and inclusion that we seek to encourage in our students. Whilst this verse is short, and is apparently simple, it is in fact deeply challenging and one worth reflecting on.

Every blessing to each of you and your families in the week ahead.

Monique Riviere-Pendle
