Instrumental Ensemble Summer Concert

Casey Grammar School recently held their annual Junior School Summer Instrumental Ensemble Concert which showcased the musical accomplishments of over 70 junior school students in various ensembles.

A fabulous night was had by all. We even had some pre-concert entertainment in the form of our keyboard and guitar ensembles in the foyer, as along with a little flash mob ‘Starwarts’ Dance as the finale.

Below are some recounts of our students’ experiences.

“Wow, what an amazing night I had at the Summer Concert! In Show Choir we sang Nothing is gonna stop me by Pinkzebra. The song is a power song with low and high parts. We would give up our lunch time on a Tuesday where we practiced it to perfection! It all turned out amazing on the night and I had lots of fun doing it!” Jayda S 4N Reid

“On 22 November, we had our Summer Concert. All the Year 3 students performed their African Drumming item. We practised for 4 weeks, so we knew a lot. When we started dancing and playing, the lights in the Performing Arts Centre started going crazy. I think it was the best musical instrument I have ever played.” Sascha L 3L Reid

“I loved being in the Show Choir and the Year 5 and 6 Ensemble Program. It was really fun and exciting, I got to meet new people, as well as learn new instruments. It was amazing hearing how all the instruments can come together and make a cool sounding song. Everyone did really well, and I really enjoyed it.” Ivy T 5K Leaver

Mrs Kyne

JS Performing Arts teacher / Head of Leaver House JS