It’s been wonderful over the past few months to attend a number of Junior School Assemblies.
They are such a wonderful expression of the school’s values, and of the life, joy and exuberance of our young people. They are one of the many ways that our Casey Grammar students shine and showcase their learning.
What has really stood out to me however, is the teamwork, cooperation, and camaraderie of each year level as they have presented their Assembly. The sense of achieving something great together is a powerful byproduct of these amazing Assemblies!
Every teacher and support staff are to be congratulated at the lessons for life they are facilitating for our students as they prepare and present their Assembly.
Last Friday was World Teacher Day. What a great opportunity to congratulate the teachers across Casey Grammar’s Junior and Senior School on the ways they so thoughtfully nurture the learning of our young people.
I encourage you to take a moment to thank one of your child’s teachers this week.
Reverend Cindy Waters
Acting School Chaplain