Celebrating Our Junior School Commissioning

Last Monday the Year 6 students and our new Junior School Leaders participated in our Commissioning Service. We were privileged to be able to enjoy a performance from Emma in Year 6 who played piano for us and shared her talents. It was wonderful to hear from our Year 6 School Captains and to be able to present all our Year 6 students with a candle to mark this important occasion.

Afterwards we shared morning tea and the students enjoyed taking plenty of photos to help them remember the occasion.

It was a joy to come together to celebrate the beginning of this important year.

The Scent of Pancakes Mark the Beginning of Lent

Today the delicious scent of pancakes wafted across the Junior School to acknowledge the last day before Lent. Many classes enjoyed cooking their own pancakes from scratch.

Lent is the season where Christians acknowledge the 40 days, apart from Sundays, leading up to Easter—one of the most significant times of the year in the Christian calendar.

Lent is a time of reflection and often a level of personal sacrifice when individuals give up time, money or something they enjoy and value to connect more with their faith. One approach is to encourage deliberate acts of kindness during this time and to be intentional in how we do this. This can be a wonderful time in the year for students to focus their thoughts on others.

Can You Help Us in Harmony Week?

We would love to run some lunchtime classes during Harmony Week from Monday, 21 March to Friday, 25 March. But we need the help of Casey Grammar parents.

If you have a traditional family recipe that you’d like to share, why don’t you come in and run a cooking class during lunchtime with some of our students and staff? We will supply the ingredients and you just need to bring your cooking skills. Our lunchtime is from 12:40 pm to 1.30 pm.

Or if you have expertise in a traditional form of dance, we would welcome volunteers able to offer a dance class to our students. Any parents who wish to be involved must have a Working with Children Check.

If you are able to help us celebrate Harmony Week, please contact me at m.riviere-pendle@caseygrammar.vic.edu.au

Keeping Busy

After only a month of school, we are already busy with a wide range of different activities. Social Justice Group has also returned under the leadership of our new Social Justice Captain, Noku. If your child is interested in community involvement, please encourage them to contact Noku or myself to find out more.

Every blessing in the fortnight ahead

Monique Riviere-Pendle
