Navigating the Job Market

Over the next few weeks, I will be using the Careers section of the newsletter to share useful resources and links to support our school community to navigate and better understand the impact of the pandemic on the Australian labour market.

As the world of work undergoes unprecedented transformation, the importance of our students developing their employability or ‘soft’ skills is re-emphasised. While always important, in the ‘context of a future of work that includes greater uncertainty in the job market’*, our students need to proactive seek opportunities to enhance their employability skills.

*Source: Global Framework on core skills for life and work in the 21st century (International Labour Organisation).

Enhancing Your Employability

In addition to the technical skills that you require for particular jobs i.e. for a carpenter this means using tools and understanding house plans, employers are also looking for general skills that are transferable across any role that you undertake.

Transferable skills are those that you develop and use throughout your life in work and outside of work. They are often referred to as ‘employability’ or ‘enterprise’ skills.

Generally, these skills can be broken down into nine categories:

  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Project Management
  • Financial Literacy
  • Technology
  • Global Enthusiasm/Citizenship
  • Confidence & Agency
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Enthusiasm forOongoing Learning

During lockdown, there is an opportunity for students to reflect on these employability or enterprise skills and to identify opportunities for personal and professional development. Skills can be developed through study and work/life experience such as: part-time/casual employment, volunteer work, extra-curricular school activities (debating, participating in productions, sports), interests and hobbies and life experiences like travelling or moving from another country.

It is a great time for students to set some goals to action once we return to campus. This could include reviewing their resume to prepare for upcoming Christmas casual jobs, engaging in online short courses through platforms including LinkedIn Learning, or making a time to meet with me to discuss their specific career and life goals.

Where the Jobs Are

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the Australian labour market. In acknowledging the impact, SEEK have shared their insight into the number of advertised roles and highlighted the industries where there has been job growth since 2020. This data indicates that, within some industries, fewer people are applying for advertised roles, therefore reducing competition.

For more information on this, I would encourage you to visit this link.

Casey Job Advocate Program

The City of Casey has recently launched the Casey Job Advocate Program. This is a free one-to-one service to assist Casey residents with finding work, developing their skills and addressing any work-related issues they are facing. This program could be beneficial to any members of the Casey Grammar School community who might be looking for work, study or who need social support.

The Casey Job Advocate Program is supported by the Victorian Government’s $619.4 million Jobs Victoria initiative that helps people looking for work to access the support, information and advice they need to find a job that is right for them.

For further information, please refer to this link.

Open Days 2022

For Open Day dates, please visit the Casey Grammar Careers Page (for Australian wide Open Day events) or the VTAC website (Victorian Open Days).

Reminder: Early Entry Programs for Year 12 2021 Students

A number of Victorian tertiary providers are offering early entry programs for 2022 courses. Early entry programs provide Year 12 students with a conditional course offer before they start their end of year exams. The following Victorian tertiary providers have recently launched their programs:

For further information, please visit the links. I would also encourage you to contact me to organise a time to discuss these programs in further detail.

VTAC Key Dates 2021-2022

Applications open for courses, SEAS and Scholarships

Monday, 2 August, 2021

Timely course applications close

Thursday, 30 September, 2021

SEAS and Scholarships applications close

Friday, 8 October, 2021

ATAR and VCE results released

7.00 am on Thursday, 16 December, 2021

Change of preference deadline for December offers

4.00 pm on Monday, 20 December, 2021

January offers released

Friday, 14 January, 2022

Take care,

Ms. Sarah Blythman

Head of Careers and Student Pathways
